Welcome to 2019!

Today (January 16, 2019) is the first official business day of 2019 for all of us here at Iaconagraphy, and we are incredibly excited about all of the promise and opportunities this new year holds! 2018 was an education for us: it taught us a lot of important things about how we run this business best; about who this business actually serves, and about how best to provide for all of you out there who have been so amazingly supportive. It also taught us a lot about gratitude, so we want to kick-off 2019 with a huge THANK YOU to all of you out there who have had our backs in the past year; who have always been there with a supporting and uplifting word when we needed it, and who have continued to believe in our dreams, even when we were occasionally hanging by our fingernails from their edges in desperation.
One hard-learned lesson from the year that is past is that our CEO, Michelle Iacona, needs to focus exclusively on the actual nuts and bolts of publishing, rather than on public relations (PR). We are proud to officially announce, therefore, that henceforth, Connla Freyjason will be the official PR Director of Iaconagraphy Press, solely in charge of our social media presence, this blog, our newsletter (which we hope will resume in 2019), and all advertising. Although he has most often performed all of these duties in the past, as of 2019, we are making his position official, removing this entirely from Michelle’s plate, so that she can concentrate fully on what made Iaconagraphy Press her passion in the first place: books!
And there will be books in 2019! Titles that you can look forward to include Faith Food Family by Suzanne Hersey, as well as multiple new titles by Connla Freyjason, and possibly even one or two from our CEO, Michelle Iacona. We will also be moving Connla’s current titles, Norse Witch: Reclaiming the Heidhrinn Heart and Blessings of Fire and Ice: A Heidhrinn Devotional, to a brand new printer, which will enable wider availability. On the advice of our new PR Director, we will be making slight changes to our marketing strategies in 2019: rather than announcing, months ahead, a definite release date, we will instead be introducing you to the authors and the subject matter of our future books over extended periods of time, with “surprise” announcements, as the actual release date approaches. We hope that this will get you all even more excited about upcoming books, long before they become a reality that you can hold in your hands!
There will also be art in 2019: more of the great crafting printables you have come to know and love us for, as well as other original art by Connla Freyjason. Further details (and hopefully releases!) will be available in the coming months.
Iaconagraphy’s word for 2019 is DELIGHT:
Delight: to please someone greatly; great pleasure; a cause or source of great pleasure; a high degree of gratification or pleasure; extreme satisfaction; something that gives great pleasure
This year, we want to actively focus on reminding ourselves what brings us joy, not only in running this business, but every day, in every way. We also want to work hard on helping all of you remember that joy as well: via blog posts and art, via our social media presence, and in every book we publish in the coming year and beyond. After all: life should be delightful! Instead of daily drudgery, what would your life be like if you filled it with delight? We hope that as we answer that question for ourselves, we can also help you begin to answer it in your own life. We’re talking about way more than simply satisfying customers here: we want to share our discovery of joy with you, and help you discover your own! Not in some la-la, woo-filled way, but in the most genuine ways we can possibly manage.
So hang on to your hats, tune in to our social media on Facebook, and get ready for the best year yet at Iaconagraphy Press!