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Never Stop Learning

We stand on the ready precipice of a season which we all celebrate, in one fashion or another, regardless of our faith-base: Back To School Season. Even those of us with kids that have flown-the-nest (or even with fur-children) find ourselves bombarded at every turn with the “signs of these times”: back-to-school sales advertised on TV constantly; school supplies placed at front-of-store in every market and shop that we enter. For many of us, it’s an opportunity to stock up on the tools-of-the-trade that mark out our faith as the “Religion With Homework”, whether that means picking up stacks of notebook paper, extra pens and pencils, or notebooks. For others of us, like myself, it’s a time of year that brings with it the same sense of chagrin and regret that The Holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, etc.) bring about for others.

What regrets? That my life-before-this-one had a completely different tone and focus. I never could’ve imagined, back then, that I would be doing what I’m doing right now, and I certainly never would’ve dreamed that “armchair archaeology” would be my overriding passion in the afterlife. Sure, I have gained for myself the scholarly background in what I teach and do right now: in fact, I’ve written  two books  to prove it! But the more I practice, do, and teach, the more I realize that there are facets of that background that need to be deepened and broadened by actual study at a college level. Unfortunately, college-level study is neither within the reach of my bank account nor my schedule, and even if it was, given what and who I am, my name wouldn’t be on the certificate at the end of that course of study.

How am I choosing to deal with those regrets this year? I’ve been haunting my local library (not literally!), and I’ve been scanning the web for every Archaeology Major and Anthropology Major syllabus and description I can find. I am getting very “grassroots” with this: if I can’t go to the mountain, I’m going to bring the mountain to me! I’m making a commitment to put in the time, the work, and the study, instead of sitting around bemoaning my current reality. After all, we all have the power to change our reality, we simply have to commit to doing so!

I am taking an Educational Sabbatical! Beginning in September 2018, I will be embarking on a largely self-taught and self-engineered learning-journey. Because of this, my next book, Wheel of Ice and Fire, will be delayed until sometime in 2019. Yes, there will still be blog posts here, and yes, I will still “be around” in the community. I’m “going to school”, not to a cave somewhere! But this is something that is long overdue; something that I desperately need to do, in order to become the best me that I can be, and better serve the community, as well as myself and my Gods.

Never stop learning! Just because you cannot afford a college tuition is no excuse not to get out there and gain the knowledge that you know you need. Do the legwork; do the research; make connections! Odin didn’t sit on His laurels and say “Wisdom, come to me!”; no, He said to Mimir: “Hand me a knife!” (No, I am not advocating “going Van Gogh” with anyone’s body parts!) He also tied Himself upside-down to a tree and speared Himself on His own spear. He made the necessary sacrifices to gain the knowledge He craved. I’m doing likewise (minus the spear, the hanging, or the knife!). I encourage you to do so, too: chase after those things you wish to know more about as passionately as if they were lovers!

Sometimes, you have to broaden your mind in order to broaden your heart. I hope all of your minds and hearts will remain wide open!

Connla Hundr Lung (formerly Freyjason)

Connla Hundr Lung (formerly Freyjason) is the creator and founder of Heidhr Craft, a Vitki and Freyjasgodhi, and the author of Norse Witch: Reclaiming the Heidhrinn Heart and Blessings of Fire and Ice: A Norse Witch Devotional. Dead and Pagan for almost thirty years, he tends to view his status as a channeled spirit as “the elephant in the room that everyone actually wants to talk about”. However, he would much rather be regarded as a man with a valuable voice; a man who has something worthwhile to say, via both his art and his writing. He just happens to also be a man, like most men, who got where he is right now through considerable help from very dear friends and loved ones. Though raised Taoist with a strong Protestant backbeat, for the past two decades of his afterlife, Connla has explored various Pagan paths, including Wicca, Kemeticism, and Welsh Reconstructionist Druidry, before settling into Vendel (Scandinavian) Witchcraft. A General Member of the Temple of Witchcraft in Salem, New Hampshire, and a self-educated student of Archaeology, Connla currently resides in Massachusetts, along with his “hostess-with-the-mostest”, Michelle, and his Beloved, Suzanne. He is owned by two cats, Kili Freyjason and Lady Blueberry Cheesecake of the Twitchy Tail, and enjoys cooking, home-making, paper-crafting, crochet, serving his Gods and Goddesses, trying to make the world a more compassionate place, and learning as much as he possibly can about those things which spark his passions.

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