Michelle Iacona
adult coloring book, adult coloring craze, adult coloring pages, annoy, annoyance, annoyed, art, artist, artist within, attitude of gratitude, authentic self, be free, beautiful, beautify, beautify the world, beauty, bells, Blade Runner, bracelet, bright, candy, candy canes, candy corns, Channukah, children, Christian, Christmas, Christmas cheer, Church, colored pencil, coloring book, crap, crayon, criticism, debt, Deity, Dollar Tree, doodle, elf, Elf Attitude, elf yourself, energy exchange, erasers, exuberant, exuberant gratitude, Facebook, four holiday food groups, gain weight, generosity, generously, get rid of guilt, gift, gifting, gifts, give, give guilt the boot, giving, grateful, gratitude, grief, guilt, gush gratitude, Hannukah, happy energy, happy holidays, holiday cards, holiday cheer, holiday coloring book, holiday coloring page, holiday debt, holiday grief, holiday guilt, holiday spirit, holiday stress, holiday-themed, holidays, hustle and bustle, jangle, jangle jingled, jingle, jingle their jangle, jingly-bob, kids, live generously, magic, merry, mischief, mundane, mundane crap, necklace, need their jangle jingled, negativity of the mundane, origami, pagan, paper crafting, paper crafts, party favors, pencils, pinata, poop, positivity, random acts of gifting, real you, relax, ring in the holidays, ringing, self-doubt, set your spirit free, set yourself free, shit, shock and awe, sing, smile, spiritual you, spread light, Star Wars, syrup, thank you, thankful, thanks, The All, true self, waistline, weight watchers, Will Farrel, worship, yucky
Freedom Friday: Elf Your Self!
You’re probably all familiar with the holiday ecard service that lets you turn yourself (and your family and friends) into
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