Art as Spirituality; Spirituality as ArtArtist JournalingBusinessChanneled ArtDigital MagickDragonfly TheologyEveryday MagickMarketingMindfulnessMinistryMoneyPositive LivingSlider PostsSpiritualityUncategorizedVotive ArtWednesday Wisdom Connla Hundr Lung (formerly Freyjason) February 22, 2017September 18, 2023 0 Comments AJ, All-Father, art, art journaling, artist, artist journal, artist journaling, Asatru, authentic self, authentic you, Bible, Catholic, Christian, Connla, dark night of the soul, Deity, dragonfly theology, Duncan, ennui, Ephesians, faith, God, hanging out, Heathen, Heathenism, Heathenry, Hebrews, Iaconagraphy, Imramma, Jesus Christ, karma, karmic, magick, negativity, Odin, original digital art, pagan, paganism, Paganizing, positivity, pregnant pause, Priscilla, punishment, reward, sacrifice, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Paul, shaman's death, The All, The Message, true self, Vanatru, Yggdrasil Hanging On The Tree Do you ever feel like you’re just “hanging out”? I don’t mean in the good sense of those words; I Read More
Art as Spirituality; Spirituality as ArtArtist JournalingAwenBusinessChanneled ArtDigital MagickDruid CraftDruidryEveryday MagickMarketingMindfulnessMinistryPaper MagickPoliticsPositive LivingSlider PostsSpiritualityUncategorizedWednesday WisdomWriting Connla Hundr Lung (formerly Freyjason) February 8, 2017September 18, 2023 0 Comments Aesir, All-Father, art, artist, Asatru, authentic self, authentic you, balderdash, Bible, Christian, Deity, Druid, empowered, faith, firestorm, galdr, galdr-dash, Heathen, Heathenry, Iaconagraphy, incantation, incantatory, James, language, love, magick, make your words count, mindfulness, negativity, Odin, opinion, original digital art, pagan, paganism, personal opinion vs. Truth, positivity, Powers-That-Be, real you, speaking, The All, true self, Wednesday, Wednesday Wisdom, words, Y Gwyr Erbyn Y Byd Turning Balderdash Into Galdr-dash I’m writing this on a Wednesday, and as my keyword for the year is Mindful, I’m quite mindful of the fact Read More
Dragonfly TheologyDruidryMinistryPositive LivingSlider PostsSpiritualityUncategorized Michelle Iacona November 25, 2015November 25, 2015 0 Comments Baghavad Gita, belittling, Bible, Buddhism, Catholic, Christian, compassion, compassionate argument, cow, Creation, daisy, defeat, defeatist, Deity, dragonfly theology, Eastern Traditions, German, grass, Hinduism, Hitler, Holocaust, Iaconagraphy, interconnectedness, Islam, Jesus Christ, John 12:49-50, Koran, loving-kindness, Message, michelle iacona, morality, Muslim, Orthodox, personal opinion, Protestant, Qu'ran, righteous battle, Taoism, The All, Truth, Ultimate Right, Ultimate Wrong, us vs. them, use your words, Wounded Knee Massacre Personal Opinion Versus Truth Have you ever gotten into a debate with someone in which you tried to tell them the Truth, but they passed Read More