Norse Traditional

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Reclaiming the Heidhrinn Heart: Are We Pagan, or Not?

Go into any Heathen/Norse Traditional group and call our faith-practice Pagan, and see what happens. Go ahead: I dare ya!

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Connla FreyjasonDragonfly TheologyDruid CraftDruidryHeathenHeidhrinnIaconagraphy PressMichelle IaconaMinistryNorse TraditionalNorse Witch by Connla FreyjasonNorse WitchcraftPaganPositive LivingSlider PostsSpiritualityUncategorizedWednesday Wisdom

On A Highway To Helheim

I’ve been on this road for thirty years, though I didn’t know it until quite recently. I’m reminded of driving

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HeathenHeidhrinnMichelle IaconaMinistryNorse TraditionalNorse WitchcraftPaganPositive LivingSlider PostsSpiritualityUncategorizedWednesday Wisdom

UPG: Ugly People Griping

See what I did there? I don’t personally believe it to be remotely accidental that UPG could just as easily stand

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